This last month has been a little bit of a challange, but also a great milestone in Joe and I's lives. The 24th of October marked what would have been Ayden's one year old birthday. We did our best to stay positive and make the best of our little guys birthday, but it was still hard. He is missed very much. We were able to spend about three hours in the Temple and just hold eachother and cry. But, what an amazing opporitunity to feel the spirit and receive some answeres to our heartache and worries. The only thing that I am worried about now is going through the year mark of the day that he died. We have great support and my parents are making a special trip to come and spend that weekend with us. The begining of this month Joe and I also made a special trip to the Cemetary to visit his grave and take him a little gift.

It was a very rewarding experience and we had a wonderful time building some good and positive memories of our little boy. Plus it was the first time we were able to see his headstone.
On a more upbeat note..... Joe and I are very greatful for the experiences that we have faced this year and for the trust that the Lord has given us and that He has in us to carry and face these trials. We know without a doubt that we will be able to be with our boy again and raise him in a perfect world. We also are very excited to be able to see him again and hear of all the wonderful things that he was called back to Heaven to do.