Tuesday, December 8, 2009
No break
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Another Thrifty Deal :)
2- Gillette Fusion Power Razors
4- Complete Multi-purpose contact solution
1- Nyquil
1- Dayquil
4- Oral B satin Floss
4 - 4pks of AA Batteries
10 - Holiday pencils
2 - Spiral Notebooks
2 - reams of 285 sheets of paper
3 - carmels (used as filler items)
I figured it up last night and my total befor coupons and sales would have been 137.33. I got it all for 22.39, PLUS I got back 28.00 in catalina coupons that are good on my next purchase. Majority of these items I got paid(catalinas) to buy. So really I got paid 5.61 to get all these items. I can live with that. :)
Another tooth!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Couponing? Why do it?
5 packages of Oscar Myer bacon
2 packages of Johnsonville Sausage links
3 packages of Nestles Cookie Dough
3 cartons (64 oz) of Florida's orange juice
2 boxes of pepperridge farm crakers
2 15 oz containers of apple sauce
2 childrens Tylenol cough and cold syrup
If I would have bought all of this at normal price I would have spent 103.38, but because I combined coupons with sales I was able to get a killer deal.
Monday, November 23, 2009
On the Go
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Eight Months Old (yesterday)
I cut his hair the other day. He looks like such a little man now, but it is SO SO cute. I'll have to post some pictures here pretty soon. I took probably close to two inches off and he still has a head full of hair. It was a fight though. He hates people touching his head, even if it is just a pat, he will arch his back and scream at you. So, to say the least, I had to pin him down with me legs so I could use both my hands to buzz him. Let's just say..... he took a really good nap when we were done. It was well worth it though.
Just one last thought. Let's all try harder to let our children know how much we really do care about them and how much we need them in our lives. I don't know if I feel this way a lot more often because of what happened to Ayden, or if I am feeling it because of a book that I am reading called "Unlikely Truths of Motherhood," but I just feel like we need to be more greatful for our children. They bring so much joy and happiness into our lives and we need to show them how much we love them each day. Sit and play with them. Laugh with them. Be patient with them. Teach them. And most of all tell, them and show them that you love them because you never know when you will no longer have them.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Family Pictures!
My SEXY man!
His SEXY wife! Ha Ha:)
Sexy man + Sexy wife = Baby :)
Hope you enjoyed the pics, maybe not the comments. But it made you laugh huh?
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Missing you!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
My Boys
Saturday, August 15, 2009
So Funny!
Daddy's dressing me.
Oh, I almost totally forgot, the reason I titled this So Funny is because of our dog. She must have eaten something or got stung by something because she had an allergic reaction and this is what she looked like yesterday.
This is her face normally
This was yesterday....I still am laughing
Don't worry she is fine now, but I just could not help myself. I had to show you all. Hope it makes your day like it did mine. HAHA
Monday, July 13, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Sleeping Habits
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Little Big Boy
Friday, May 1, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
One Month Today!

Monday, April 13, 2009
Thanks Grandma Wells!

He loves the water. Every time we take him out he gets pretty upset, which I can't blame him... I love warm baths too :)
Friday, April 3, 2009
Loving being a mom!

He is so much fun! Typically he is awake and alert from about nine to noon and then again from about six to nine in the evening. He is so alert and loves to just look around. He hardly cries, just when he is hungry or has gas. Other than that he is as happy as can be. Nights are getting better. As long as I keep it dark, after I feed him, he usually falls right back to sleep and doesn't wake up till he is hungry again.
He loves cuddling with mom too. That will not last I'm sure, but I will just enjoy it for now. Well the little guy just woke up, so I am off!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Welcome to the world Ashtyn!

I finally get to hold the baby I've been waiting so long for!

No fun with all the monitors, but we are so happy to have a healthy baby!

One of the nurses did his hair.... I love it!

Ready to go home, just waiting for mom to get discharged from the hospital.
Just sleeping peacefully
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Right there with Jordann and Zach... just waiting
Sunday, January 25, 2009