Wow! Words can't explain how happy I am to be a full time mom! Don't get me wrong, we still have some rough nights, but nothing can compair to the rough days and nights that we had with Ayden. Ashtyn is such and joy to Joe and I and we charish and thank Heavenly Fathers each day for the opporitunity to be parents and have a healthy, happy baby. It is so crazy to think that he is already two weeks old, and I know that time is going to just keep going faster.
He is so much fun! Typically he is awake and alert from about nine to noon and then again from about six to nine in the evening. He is so alert and loves to just look around. He hardly cries, just when he is hungry or has gas. Other than that he is as happy as can be. Nights are getting better. As long as I keep it dark, after I feed him, he usually falls right back to sleep and doesn't wake up till he is hungry again.

He loves cuddling with mom too. That will not last I'm sure, but I will just enjoy it for now. Well the little guy just woke up, so I am off!