Wow!! I have been doing a lot of crazy things lately and my latest and greatest was cutting and coloring my own hair. I have a really hard time paying someone 75-150 dollars to cut and color my hair and most of the time I end up fixing it to the way I like it anyways. But anyways, my hair was a little longer than shoulder length and I was getting tired of it, so I studied online on how to cut your own hair and decided heck why not? I can always go get it fixed if I don't like it and it will grow again. I was very nervous, but pleasently surprised with the outcome. Below are the pictures of my new hair do.

I see a couple stragglers that I'm going to have to have Joe trim,
but for the most part I think it looks good.

The do from the front.
Here are some other fun pictures that I thought I would add. They are, of couse, Of my little stud... Ashtyn. I love him so much and am greatful he is in our family :)

Ashtyn LOVES his new Home Depot
apron. He's just like daddy now.

Ashtyn takes his books to the bottom steps and sits
there to look at them. He is so much fun!