A lot of people like to hear Joe and I's story so I thought this might be the easiest. We were introduced to eachother when my dad directed the play "Damn Yankees." He was one of the baseball players and at first, to be honest, I felt sorry for Joe because he always sat alone. He was cute too, so that gave me a good excuse to talk to him. He and I "hung out" a lot during the play and to my great dismay he ditched me after it was over. He moved to Boise to get ready for his mission and moved back to Oakley shortly after becuase he wasn't preparing at all. When he got back he and I both were asked to be dance partners in the play "Annie get Your Gun." Like before we were very interested in eachother and once the play was over he again ditched me. He began dating another girl from the play and she decided to wait for him while he was on his mission(like that ever works). About half way through his mission she ended up getting married and breaking his heart. He came home in November of 2005 and after spending a week with his sister in Boise gave his homecoming address in Oakley. I was not going to go and finally decided I could at least support him as a friend(although I was hoping for more!). Therefore I took my mother and brothers and sister, that way it didn't look like I was stalking him. In the middle of sacrament meeting I noticed a very attractive girl peak around the chaple/gym seporators and wave at him. He lit up and waved back. I thought for sure that this was his new girlfriend and was disappointed. When the meeting was over he came straight to me and gave me a hug. Come to find out that girl was his sister that he had spent a week with upon returning home from his mission. I thought that Joe had a rather small family. The only two siblings I remember hearing about were his little sister Kayla, who passed away two weeks before here 8th birthday, and Jared, who had also been in Annie get Your Gun with us. He proceeded to ask my family if we wanted to come the dinner at there house and we agreed. On the way over there my mom asked me if I was ready for this curcus. I was confussed and asked her what she ment. "Well," she said, "You do know that Joe is number 9 out of 10 kids right?" I was shocked and still to this day I can't get all the kids right according to birth order. After that day Joe and I were inseperable. He proposed to me on January 6th, 2006, and we were married March 8th, 2006.
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